Hide and Seek
Hide and seek
For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God. — Colossians 3:3
“Hide and Seek” is timeless, wonderful, and intergenerational. Really intergenerational. Humanity has been hiding from God since we’ve been humanity. Some consider Adam and Eve allegorical. Others take this early Bible account literally. Both locations should agree that we do hide from God as Adam and Eve hid from God. After the forbidden fruit is consumed, the couple realize their sinfulness. This is significant because we can all understand times we’ve hidden from—or avoided—God.
Some of us still hide from or avoid God.
But hiding in Christ is something else entirely. Hiding in Christ is a perplexing thought at first, especially when anything hidden in a relationship is unhealthy. So, how do we hide in Christ, the very best lover, guide and confidante of our souls?
“Hide and Seek” holds an answer. As a kid, it’s great to hear how others in the game have been found as you stay put in your hiding place. You’re proud of—and maybe thankful for—your secure location. It’s a winning feeling. That feeling dissipates quickly though. We get lonely—and uncomfortable—in our hiding.
We also realize we are apart from the world when in our hiding place. Perhaps this is what Paul is thinking of when he mentions being hidden in Christ. Hiding behind the couch is one thing. Hiding in Christ is another. Paul is encouraging us to pull away from the world and be wrapped completely in Christ. A commentator who espoused on this verse suggests that when God looks down, God only sees Christ because we who choose to hide in Christ aren’t seen apart from the Son; we are an intrigral part of the Son.
Hide in Christ, not in (or behind) the couch. Be lost in Christ and His identity, not your own.
PRAYER: God, help us hide in Christ so that You only see Christ in us. Amen.
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