Want to see
What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked.
“My Rabbi,” the blind man said, “I want to see!” — Mark 10:51, NLT
Bartimaeus was blind. He literally could not see.
Ask yourself what you literally cannot see. What is out of our vision? Where are you in the dark?
Jesus gave sight to Bartimaeus. He will do the same to us.
Enter this story. Be Bartimaeus. Maybe there is a situation you cannot see past. Maybe there is a situation you’re avoiding all together!
Maybe you are seeing what you shouldn’t see. You’ll know this wrong vision is happening if you don’t think love will speak into the pain or problem.
Jesus does want you to see. He wants you to see His way. He also wants You to give into Him so that His way—not your way—is followed.
Upon receiving sight, Bartimaeus follows Jesus.
Jesus wants us to follow Him, too. No more blind spots. No more dark holes.
What the vision the Son of David gave to Bartimaeus is the same vision he will give to you. With this vision, you will do with joy what Bartimaeus did, and that’s follow Jesus.
Let Love win. Let Love guide. Follow Jesus.
PRAYER: Help me see, Lord. Specifically, help me see what You want me to see. And yes, let’s go forward together. Amen.
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