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The Author
JESUS CLONED comes from my pastor’s heart, not a scientist’s query. Through the technology of cloning we enter the ageless conversation of how Jesus is both fully human and fully divine. With new light, new warmth, and new understanding, the characters here help us see how we are like Joe in that God is within us, too.
This plot literally fell from heaven in record time. Boom. Done. In three months, JC was framed from tip to toe. Years of revisions later (ah, sweat and tears!), this novel gently opens this message: we all have the potential to be God-like, or do God-like things.
Praise for Jesus Cloned
What is the overall theme of this book?
JESUS CLONED is about relationships, how God can enter into them in a myriad of ways, and how, with God, our lives change, broaden, and lead us to understanding, peace, and ultimate love.
A Jewish seventy-something with little Christian experience has read JC. She remarked to Hagenbuch, “I see through your characters how the Christian Jesus is directly involved in everyday matters. Prayers and proximity. I didn’t know this.”
Jesus is involved in our every day matters, our “business.” He seeks a relationship with us. And JC speaks of how messed up we can all be, yet our steadfast God calls us back to receive His love again and again.
To speak of God’s love and our Father’s desire to be in a relationship with Him, Jesus often spoke in stories (parables). JC is an extension of this teaching style. Jesus used common, everyday imagery to show His listeners the relationship God wants with us. JC does the same.
What inspired you to write this book?
“My people” (those I feel called to) have been bored or burned by organized religion. The modern technology of cloning is the vehicle I use to bring new light and life to the parables. We have a completely identifiable Jesus in scripture. You see a completely identifiable Joe in this novel. Jesus’ recorded interactions with people are profound. In simple and in profound ways, Joe helps us see the nature of Christ.
God is good. How God reveals Godself is endless, creative, and incredible. JC (Jesus Cloned) is another way for us to experience God’s great love. I was called to reveal this great love through this work, and I’m grateful.
JC is a new way to enter into the age old conversation of how Jesus is both fully human AND fully divine. To create a landscape where this conversation continues is one great joy. And, oh, yes, this novel was definitely God-inspired.
Why do you think that this book will appeal to readers?
This books appeals to readers because we all have questions. Readers will find themselves relating to at least one character. The subjects of loss, grief, self-worth, dating, relationship struggles, and parenting are included.
JC is no sprint with a single focus. It’s a marathon that includes so many points and places for thoughts, reflections, and discoveries along the way.