Called to the principal’s office
Zacchaeus quickly climbed down and took Jesus to his house in great excitement and joy. — Luke 19:6
Great excitement and joy? This is not something most of us felt when called to the principal’s office. Unless you’re one of the crème de la crème arriving for your certificate for being a Student of the Month, the walk toward that office is never an easy one.
Now imagine walking with the principal toward his or her office. Experiencing excitement? Overflowing with joy? Probably not!
Jesus is not a school principal, but the imagine can hold for a moment. He IS powerful. He changes the future for those walking with Him.
So, what gives with Zacchaeus’s enthusiasm, his glee? He’s called a notorious sinner a few verses later. The whole community knows he is a thief and cheater.
It’s important to note that Zacchaeus doesn’t know the outcome of his time with Jesus at this point. If we go with the sequence of events laid out in the Gospel of Luke, Jesus has just healed a blind beggar. (Bartimaeus is the scripture we had last week.)
Also, we don’t know if any connection can be made between Bartimaeus and Zacchaeus.
Yet with excitement and joy, Zacchaeus quickly—not begrudgingly—scampers down that tree.
Like Bartimaeus, Zacchaeus gains vision. He sees what he needs to do. He corrects his wrongdoings.
Have you ever had a vague sense that you’re not aligned with Jesus? If so, you know Jesus comes to you as He did to Bartimaeus and Zacchaeus. He comes to us with excitement. He comes to us with joy.
Knowing this, we understand Zacchaeus. We even are like Zacchaeus because we really do rush to Jesus and experience excitement. We find joy.
PRAYER: With excitement and joy, we welcome walking with You down a school hallway, or anywhere else. We love You, Lord. Amen.
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