Follow directions
Standing nearby were six stone water jars, used for Jewish ceremonial washing. Each could hold twenty to thirty gallons. Jesus told the servants, “Fill the jars with water.” When the jars had been filled, he said, “Now dip some out, and take it to the master of ceremonies.” So the servants followed his instructions. — John 2:6-8
I’m not the first person to set the page or pages of directions down after a quick glance. The gist is enough, right? And who doesn’t love a challenge?
The challenge in this passage is this big deal wedding has one big problem: they are running out of wine.
Yeah. Oops.
Jesus gives directions to the servants, who, unlike the guests, are likely to be aware of the shortage of wine.
Jesus’ directions don’t make sense. Why fill supersized stone jars with water when it’s wine they need? Oh, and then one of the servants is to do the crazy thing, which is hand the master of ceremonies what? Water?
Yikes, they must have thought. Who is going to get that job?
The lesson here is that we are servants to Jesus. We may have NO idea what Jesus is up to when He says to us what He said to those servants: “Go and do.”
Water becomes wine. Half becomes whole. Broken becomes mended. Loss becomes gain. Nothing becomes far, far, far more than something. How? Just follow directions. Especially when morale, momentum, attendance, or resources are low, yes, follow directions—His directions.
PRAYER: Master of all Ceremonies, including our only way to eternal life and the never-ending banquet there, thank you for this story. Thank you for also sharing directions when we are running low. Amen.
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