A Superman verse? Really?
A Superman verse? Really?
Philippians 4:13
“For I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength.”
Asbury Theological Seminary professor Dr. Ben Witherington calls Philippians 4:13, “the superman verse” because sometimes athletes refer to it during high-stakes games (as seen with Tim Tebow who has been known for writing Bible verses in his eye black during his college football days).
Whether you’re a football star or not, Witherington’s suggests we apply Philippians 4:13 like this: “In any and all circumstances, I have learned the secret of how to be satisfied, even if I’m hungry and do without. I am able/strong enough to endure all things in Him who empowers me.”
Philippians 4:13 is about submitting to God’s goals and plans, not our own. Hear this. “I can accomplish anything to His glory because He strengthens me.”
And boy (see the pic of our Superman boy here), does He. God supplies us with EVERYTHING we need to get His job done, not ours.
The Apostle Paul speaks to this. In effect, he says, “When it comes to bringing my God glory, I can accomplish anything in His name.” This power-packed verse is about God giving the author of Philippians the strength to do God’s will.
Having the ‘power’ to do God’s will means in the name of the Lord there’s no “I can’t” or “we can’t” thinking here. Nope. Nadda. No. Instead, we have a powerful God who will do powerful things through us for His glory.
And we don’t need Lycra or red capes to do it.
This all said, let’s go. Let’s do. Let’s be the people who can.
PRAYER: Lord, You equip us with all we need to lift Your name on high. May we be present in Your name to the people you call us to hear, touch, feed, shelter, care for, pray over, and love. Through Your Son our Savior we pray…amen.
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