What God wants us to want, and that’s each other
Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” — Genesis 2:18
In the first chapter of the Genesis, God repetitively proclaims what He has created is “good.” In the second chapter, God declares it is “not good” that man is alone. I believe this verse enables us to see what God values, and that’s relationships. To establish companionship, God posits helpers for the man by fashioning wild animals and birds in the air. The man gets to name God’s footed and flying creations. This Name Game may have been swell for a while, but God helps us realize this is not enough.
Then God creates woman. In doing so, God sends a message. We need human relationships.
Jesus goes off to pray by Himself throughout the gospel accounts. He even takes the disciples away from the crowds at times. But God’s Son and the disciples always come back to what? Yep. People. Sometimes throngs and throngs of people.
Get away sometimes. Unplug. Unwind. Breathe. Rest. Recuperate. Regenerate. In our overstimulated world, understand rest IS needed.
What is also needed is companionship and community. Oh, yes, have introspective time alone with God. Learn. Love. Enjoy. Repeat daily!
Also think about your church community, or one you could join. Being worshipful with others lifts the spirits of those who are with you. This companionship may lift your spirits, too. And this is true: we can learn as much from others as we do ourselves.
PRAYER: Lord, no one has done a perfect job in faith modeling 24/7/365, but help me see that I can continue to learn from You—and from others. Amen.
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